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My Reflections

  1. What did I accomplish?
    I accomplished making a poem and a short story. I accomplished my goal to write because I am a type of person who just like to read.
  2. What is important about what I did?
    The importance of this is that I have grown as a writer. I stepped out of my ordinary self and started writing which I didn’t know I had in me. Most importantly, I have learned to write, what to write, what theme and genre I will write about.
  3. Where could I use this again?
     My goal is to write what people want to hear, the truth. I can achieve this goal through applying what I have learned.
  4. Are there patterns in my work? In my behavior?
    In my work, I realized that this applies to me, my life. My works show what I want to achieve, the feelings I have felt and the thoughts piled up inside my head.
  5. How well did I do? What could be done differently?
     Looking at my work, I’d give myself a thumbs up and a smiley face. I would change the words I’ve chosen to create concrete images to readers and to make the reader feel like they’re in the story or poem.
  6. How can I use this knowledge in future work?
    In the future I wish to be a news reporter, this can help me achieve my goal. I can write short stories about victims in the news. In the future I want people or readers to know that there is suffering in this world and the only solution for that is us humans to change and be enlightened.
  7. What have I discovered about myself?                                                             I discovered that I can write, because I really thought that I would fail or it would be ugly. But the thought of thinking I would fail is a bad mindset, so I just relaxed and just wrote and here I am now.